The Libra Centre.

The Libra Centre is dedicated to:
The Fulfilment of Human Potential, The Advancement of Spiritual Science, Harmony and Unity.

The Library.

A list of files gathered from the web.

Hours of reading pleasure for the seeker. Do not be overwhelmed just take your time and enjoy this free resource.

The Library at Ephesus

New in - Astrology an Occult and Spiritual Perception

The Oxford Handbook of Spinoza

Spinoza relevanc today

Agrippa. Henry - Three Books of Occult Philosophy Book 1

Agrippa. Henry - Three Books of Occult Philosophy Book 2

Agrippa. Henry - Three Books of Occult Philosophy Book 3

Agrippa. Henry - Agrippa Book 4

Anon - Analog or Digital

Anon - Electromagnetic Fields and Digital Cameras

Anon - Lucid Dreaming

Anon - Paranormal Interfaces

Anon - Tao te Ching

Anon - What we know

Anon - Kybalion

Atwood. Mary Anne - Hermetic Philosophy and Alchemy

Bailey Alice - A Treatise on White Magic

Bailey Alice - Destiny Of Nations

Bailey Alice - Discipleship in the new Age Vol 1

Bailey Alice - Discipleship in the new Age Vol 2

Bailey Alice - Esoteric Healing a Treatise on the Seven Rays Vol 4

Bailey Alice - Esoteric Psychology a Treatise on the Seven Rays Vol 1

Bailey Alice - Esoteric Psychology a Treatise on the Seven Rays Vol 2

Bailey Alice - Consciousness of the Atom

Bailey Alice - From Bethlehem to Calvary

Bailey Alice - From Intellect to Intuition

Bailey Alice - Education in the New Age

Bailey Alice - Glamour a World Problem

Bailey Alice - Initiation Human and Solar

Bailey Alice - Labours of Hercules

Bailey Alice - Letters on Occult Meditation

Bailey Alice - Problems of Humanity

Bailey Alice - Rays and Initiations a Treatise on the Seven Rays Vol 5

Bailey Alice - Telepathy and the etheric vehicle

Bailey Alice - The Externalization of the Hierarchy

Bailey Alice - The Reappereance of The Christ

Bailey Alice - The Soul and its mechanism

Bailey Alice - Treatise on Cosmic Fire

Bailey Alice - Unfinished autobiography

Bartlet. R - A New Earth and A New Universe

Besant. Annie & Leadbeater. Charles - Occult chemistry

Besant. Annie & Leadbeater. Charles - Commentry on the Light on the Path

Besant. Annie & Leadbeater. Charles - Thought Forms

Blavatsky H.P - Isis Unveiled V I

Blavatsky H.P - Isis Unveiled V II

Blavatsky H.P - Studies in Occultism

Blavatsky H.P - The Secret Doctrine 1 Cosmogenesis

Blavatsky H.P - The Secret Doctrine 2 Anthropogenesis

Blavatsky H.P - Key To Theosophy

Blomquist. Dr. - Integrated Theory of Intelligence

Bucke. Richard Maurice - Cosmic Consciousness

Buddha. Gautama - The Word

Buddha. Gautama - Dhammapada

Crowley. Aleister - The book of Thoth

Crowley. Aleister - Magick In Theory And Practice

Crowley. Aleister - liber777

Erlewine. Michael - Meditation

Erlewine. Michael - Training the Mind Part 2

Everard John - The Divine Pymander

Findley. Guy - 30 Keys eBook

Fisher. J M - Process of change

Fisher. J M - Process of change notes

Fossum. Jarl - Seth In The Magical Texts

Fortune. Dion - Esoteric orders

Fortune. Dion - Psychic Self Defence

Fortune. Dion - Mystical Qabalah

Fortune. Dion - Secrets of Dr John Taverner

Fortune. Dion - Machinery of the Mind

Fortune. Dion - Applied Magic


Freud. Sigmuend - Dream interpretation

Gardner. Gerald - Witchcraft Today

Gerwick. Madeline - Prosperity energy

Grabek. S - 101 Motivation Quotes

Gracian. Balthasar - Worldly Wisdom

Hamblin. H. T - Within You Is The Power

Hamblin. H. T - Positive thought

Hamilton. Graig - All In Your Head

Hill. J. H - Astral Worship

Kabbala Info - A Guide to the Hidden Wisdom of Kabbala

Keaton. Warren - The anatomy of fate

Kingsford - The Virgin of the World

Knight. Gareth - Practical Guide To Qabalistic Symbolism

Lake. Gina - Symbols of the Soul

Leadbetter. C. W - A Textbook of Theosophy

Leadbetter. C. W - Clairvoyance

Lytton. Edward Bulwer - Zanoni

Mathers MacGregor - Kabbala Unveild

McDavid. William Doss - Esoteric Priniciples

McTaggart. Lynne - Living the Field

Moss. Shaun - Practical Metaphysics

Münsterberg. Hugo - Psychotherapy

Powell. Arthur - The Causal Body - The Ego

Powell. Arthur - The Etheric Double - The Health Aura of Man

Powell. Arthur - The Mental Body

Regardie. Israel - The Philosophers Stone

Roberts. Ella - Guide to Spirituality

Rountree. David - EVP Project Phase 1

Rountree. David - EVP Project Phase 2

Sagan. S - Awakening the Third Eye

Sepharail - Crystal And Seer

Sepharail - Manual of Occultism

Stewart. Jampa Mackenzie - Foundations of Taoist Practice

Steiner. Rudolf - THEOSOPHY


Swami Panchadasi - Astral World

Taylor. Cally - Heaven Can Wait

The Inner Light - Vol 25 No1

The Inner Light - Vol 25 No2

The Inner Light - Vol 25 No3

The Inner Light - Vol 25 No4

Weor. S. A - EN The Revolution of the Dialectic

Westcot. Wynn - The Isiac Tablet of Cardinal Bembo

Wattles. Wallace - A New Christ

Yahya. Harun - Miracle of electricity in body

Yogi. Ramacharaka - RAJA YOGA

Yogi. Ramacharaka - Science of Breath