The Libra Centre.

The Libra Centre is dedicated to:
The Fulfilment of Human Potential, The Advancement of Spiritual Science, Harmony and Unity.

Natal Astrology.

With natal astrology you are able to discover truths on a personal level as natal astrology is taken from the moment of you first draw breath. This places you within the space time of your locale. You can from this, monitor the times and methods of your interaction with others and the cosmic tides. As of necessity you have free will it is more about choices and developmental lessons, how you react to these is an important measure of your growth and each choice leads to different paths and different circumstance and the way that you experience your life in your space time.

To learn natal astrology is never going to be a waste of your time and effort, but it used to be thought of as complex and difficult, I do not think this needs to be the case today, with computers taking over all the calculation. The delineations of the various factors, planets in signs and houses, aspects and transits can all be looked up in one of the many books available. However, I do not recommend this as you will be constantly referring back to the books and not getting a feel for the cosmic tides and how they shift and have an affect to you personally. The way I recommend is to learn the basics and from these you can piece together a complete picture.

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