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The Questioning or the Crisis of Faith.

The amount of material I have on occult, esoteric or alternative subjects is grand in scale but is it grand in substance. A lot is built upon some favoured authors ideas. The subject of Theosophy has spawnd an great deal of books by many, in themselves, respected authors but ultimately hanging on the work of one, must never be questioned self-appointed authority. The subject of many other spiritual books are actually based on channelled material which then take on the mantle of divine authority. This exposes the researcher to the easier role of follower which opens one up to all kind of biasses. To hold an idea and run with it to see where it leads and what are the consequences of it is fine but what if the original idea was untrue. Then there is a long line of fallacies that just keeps getting more absurd and ends up doing a disservice to the whole subject matter. Then of course we arrive at a complete rejections which throws the baby out with the bathwater. For many this baby and bathwater analogy is the basis of a Crisis of Faith which can occur from the quite legitimate and necessary task of Questioning. What is needed is a method of questioning that does not cause a cascade of falling dominoes of our cherished values and principles which has been built from the study of the subjects aligned to the spiritual, values which, whether built on an unsound premise or true, still hold good and valuable in our lives. What is that method I shall be exploring in detail, obviously a line by line logical dissection of the hundreds of books in my library is out of the question but maybe there is another way. How do we know what is true? That will be coming soon.

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