The Libra Centre.

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Covid 19 the best bits.

Many people are searching for the meaning of this pandemic, some people have suggested that it is, natures way of thinning out the population. While it is true that the world is over-populated I feel the pandemic is not the most effective way of natures cruel balancing act. The answer lies in the situation and circumstances that we face. Firstly, social distancing, we feel this as anti-social distance and we are learning the importance of social contacts and the value of coming together. Secondly, we see that this is a global problem and we will not get out of this by nationalism. We must work together, we MUST share the vaccine with everyone, with every nation. Rich or poor realise that everyone must be given the vaccine and if a nation cannot afford it, it must be supported by richer nations, by other members of our human family. While we are missing or own family, this global event will teach us that we are one human family. This will be a massive evolutionary leap, socially and personally. Yes, many people are dying and many more are griefing but grief on its own can be a major turning point in a persons life and outlook. Grief leaves us feeling alone in such a profound way that the only way to go is within and there we may glimpse a spiritual realm and ask questions like what is the meaning of life and what happens after death. Yes, it is hard and painful, all change is, especially change that is forced upon us. We are one planet, one family and one journey we all must take.

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