The Libra Centre.

We are One - a Better You makes a Better World.

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Inner Work

Question: Because of my inner work, I had this spiritual moment beyond description. I felt as though I was riding a wave of emotion that turned into an ocean of love. For a few days, I was as happy as any soul could have hoped to be. Then my bliss faded until I was just with me again. Now I want to go back! I keep asking why this happened to me and how I can return to paradise, but I'm lost. Any insights would be greatly appreciated.

Answer: As difficult or unwanted as this may sound, we have to let go of our memories of any higher states of oneness with God. If we don't, we only wind up pursuing an image; and pleasurable as those past pictures and corresponding feelings may be, they get in the way of our entering the sanctuary of reality, where the oneness we seek is awaits us. Give up the painful questions like why this happened to you. The you that is asking is not the Real You at all. If you remember your glimpse, for practical purposes, the beauty of it was that there was no you within that moment as you presently feel yourself now.

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