The purpose of The Libra Centre is to bring to its visitors tools for self growth and present them in a way which is applicable in the real lives of our visitors living in our evolving, ever changing world.
In a world that makes ever increasing demands on our strength, and resources, many are finding it difficult to to see the real meaning behind worldly and personal events, yet only by seeing things for what they truly are, the spiritual and astrological view, can we ever hope to find the true meaning and purpose to our lives.
There are spiritual entities watching over you, humanity and all life, gently guiding, encouraging and assisting. It is time we got to know them and start working with them for a Better World.
Working with the Zodiac. The seasonal tides of life offer a way of working with Nature, the Zodiac can be thought of as the moods of Nature, instead of being oblivious to the many cycles in Nature and trying to go against the flow. Reading about the current Zodiac sign will help you tune into the tides of life.
On this website you will find many other simple and straight forward ways of tuning in to the natural cycles which affect every aspect of all our lives.
Friday 28th of March 2025 01:50:32 AM
We are in the Time of Aries
This is the first sign of spring, when the Sun crosses the ecliptic and moves once more into the northern hemisphere. At this time libido shifts from the inner, subconscious world back to the outer world of the ego. Traditionally this is the time when we begin spring cleaning and open the doors to rooms which have been left unoccupied throughout the long, cold months of winter. Aries is a time of great vigor which needs to be controlled carefully or accidents are liable to happen. Properly harnessed, this extra energy can give a huge boost to any project we are trying to get off the ground. However, success will depend upon how well we have prepared for the spring during the previous winter months.
Spring, and suddenly the sun is out, and seeds are sprouting: the power of creation is unleashed, sometimes with a bang, sometimes creeping up from behind. We throw off inertia, shrug our shoulders and stop waiting for everyone else and compromising ourselves to the rules and expectations winter brought. Doubt and hesitation are now out of time, and it is now right to head for what we want. If in Pisces we have not uncovered a vision, life propels us forward anyway, and we are ripped away from our comfortable past. Aries is an energy sign, rampant and spilling out: forethought and caution are restrictive, while self-determining action and forward progress are auspicious. This is it: we just have to do it, or we'll get left behind, for everything is growing, pushing out above ground, and new things are being born. Evolutionary energy is breaking loose.
The exoteric ruler of Aries is Mars and the esoteric ruler is Mercury. The part of the body ruled by Aries is the head. The challenge which Spring brings is the correct use of the mind, it is now that it springs into action after its period of contemplation, be careful, our thoughts and words are, as, if not more, creative as our deeds. Because of its great power for good or for ill, we must be constantly vigilent as to the contents of our minds less we release bursts of negative energy to roam and breed free and wild in the world. We have been pertitioned to maitain respect and goodness (whatever that means to you), in thought, word and deed. Many are very good at managing the word and deed part but neglect the power of thought. How much are your thoughts in harmony with your words and deeds.
See the Aries Quest
We are in the Time of Aries
This is the first sign of spring, when the Sun crosses the ecliptic and moves once more into the northern hemisphere. At this time libido shifts from the inner, subconscious world back to the outer world of the ego. Traditionally this is the time when we begin spring cleaning and open the doors to rooms which have been left unoccupied throughout the long, cold months of winter. Aries is a time of great vigor which needs to be controlled carefully or accidents are liable to happen. Properly harnessed, this extra energy can give a huge boost to any project we are trying to get off the ground. However, success will depend upon how well we have prepared for the spring during the previous winter months.
Spring, and suddenly the sun is out, and seeds are sprouting: the power of creation is unleashed, sometimes with a bang, sometimes creeping up from behind. We throw off inertia, shrug our shoulders and stop waiting for everyone else and compromising ourselves to the rules and expectations winter brought. Doubt and hesitation are now out of time, and it is now right to head for what we want. If in Pisces we have not uncovered a vision, life propels us forward anyway, and we are ripped away from our comfortable past. Aries is an energy sign, rampant and spilling out: forethought and caution are restrictive, while self-determining action and forward progress are auspicious. This is it: we just have to do it, or we will get left behind, for everything is growing, pushing out above ground, and new things are being born. Evolutionary energy is breaking loose.
The exoteric ruler of Aries is Mars and the esoteric ruler is Mercury. The part of the body ruled by Aries is the head. The challenge which Spring brings is the correct use of the mind, it is now that it springs into action after its period of contemplation, be careful, our thoughts and words are, as, if not more, creative as our deeds. Because of its great power for good or for ill, we must be constantly vigilent as to the contents of our minds less we release bursts of negative energy to roam and breed free and wild in the world. We have been pertitioned to maitain respect and goodness (whatever that means to you), in thought, word and deed. Many are very good at managing the word and deed part but neglect the power of thought. How much are your thoughts in harmony with your words and deeds.
See the Aries Quest
We are in the Time of Taurus
This is a time of great joy as spring is now in its prime. During Taurus whatever has been planted, be it flower or weed, will grow vigorously and identification of which is which can be difficult if not impossible. One must carry on regardless and assume that preparations have been adequate, for there comes a time in any project when we must stick with what we have already planned and stop altering the blueprints, otherwise nothing will ever become concrete. Any mistakes in our plans must now be lived with and can only be ironed out in the following cycle, for during Taurus it is sensible to let nature take its course or there will be no harvest to gather in autumn.
The decisions are made, and it all has started up: now Taurus must carry it through on a thunderous momentum of growth, fertility and development. Flowers are out, nature is seething and humming, the past is gone, and breakthrough is here. It's wonderful, delicious, and this is even more it than Aries thought. This is living, doing, moving, the very purpose of life, and nothing will stop it.
Everything has now to move on, for it is too late to change course or back down. Enjoy it while the going is good: follow your own path, make that step, for we are now on our own, and the tide is flowing fast. Get out of my way before I run you over! Purposeful, sustained and dogged motion are what Taurus teaches us. And enjoying the good things of life, the fun and cream buns.
It is a time now to consolidate what we have begun to establish a strong root system which will sustain the new growth ahead. Time now to make sure you have a strong base or foundation from which to build. Do not forget to write down the addresses of all your new contacts you may need them later, nurture friendships, customers and clients, throw a party.
See the Taurus Quest
We are in the Time of Gemini
The time of Gemini is said to be a happy playful time when the young of the forest are born and exploring their world. The Butterfly gaily flits from flower to flower. It is the last days of Spring and Summer is just around the corner. The air is electric with perfume and joy.
Gemini is the playful child of the Zodiac. So what can we all learn from this time of year? What are the tides of this time?
Having fun is a very important aspect of life as is being as a child. Is it not a prescript of all the major religions, though stated in different terms. That in order to enter the kingdom of heaven we should be as a child. So what does this actually mean. To understand this we need to understand the full meaning of the sign of Gemini on a soul level rather than a personal level for I feel that there is a great gulf between the mundane and the spiritual interpretations of Gemini.
I use the word gulf purposely because crossing the gulf is something which Gemini has the ability to do. On the Tree of Life it is the Path between Binah and Tiphereth. This is not really the place to enter into a Qabalistic discourse, but briefly stated it links the higher realms with the lower which traverses the gulf or abyss on the way. Thus becoming a channel between the gods and man.
Gemini is said to be the sign of communication, but not everyone realises what level of communication is possible through this sign. The key lies in the other attribute of Gemini, that of being fun loving and child like or put another way never taking things to seriously and maintaining that sense of wonderment and joy which children have. Observe children and learn from then. When we can accept with wonder and joy, instead of series cynicism, the channel will be opened and light will pour forth.
Many people believe children to be naturally psychic perhaps we can recapture that gift, by being as a child.
I am not saying that we should not question and test, but allow it to be in the present, the past has a tendency to become distorted and irrelevant, a child has very little past and therefore lives very much in the present. Allow the past to pass away, live in joy, wonderment and the present and let the future take care of itself, these are the lessons of Gemini and this is the tide of the time.
See the Gemini Quest
We are in the time of Cancer
Cancer teaches us to not get carried away with our own joyousness, it can add a cooling off period, a time to reflect on what as gone before and will surely come again. This marks the time when the Sun reaches its highest and marks the longest day. Cancer advices of the need for shade, it is interesting to note, cancer can be caused by to much Sun.
When things are going well Cancer, a water sign, reminds us save for that rainy day. While it is true a sunny day can raise a smile on most people, if the temprature gets too high nerves can be frayed and people can become sensitive and moody, Cancer is ruled by the Moon. The symbol of Cancer is the crab, this gives a good clue to the nature of this time. Make sure you have a shell to crawl into and a place to cool down.
The essence of this sign is \"divinity in motion\". The crab lives in two worlds the land, which is the physical and the water which is the emotional, but always it carries its own house with it. It is the expression of the link between the physical body and the soul and informs us of the need for their union. It is therefore the symbol of incarnation, along time been associated with mothering and children we can see the higher aspects of this in the nurturing and protection of young souls which is not restricted to the worldly plane. It has been said that Cancer is the wide Gate of incarnation. Meditation upon this will pay dividends as you relax in the shade.
See the Cancer Quest
We are in the Time of Leo
The sun is high in Leo, and shines at its best. This is the feel of the Leo time, Leo teaches us to express, bring the growth process to fruition, act out our own personal truths and be ourselves, fully, even to the extent of imposing it on others. We must make something of these ideal conditions, and Leo says 'I know what the best thing is to do, follow me, everyone, for this is the moment'. Leo acts out the play of life, dances the dance for all to see, believes in itself, and does it, really does it. Welcome to my party, everyone! Underneath, though, there is a concern as to whether everyone else actually wants to come, or is taking any notice. In Leo we are beginning to become aware that I, myself, need others to validate me. While the sun is high and summer is hot, there is no time to worry: I'm just doing my own thing, and that's what's right for me. Evolutionary tendencies have reached their peak of expression, yet meanwhile, integrative tendencies are setting in just as evolutionary ones were doing in Aquarius, the opposite sign to Leo.
Leo is the joy child, full of fun and laughter. Go out and do something fun, be gay and frivolous but realise the deeper meaning. An actor needs a stage and an audience, the 'other' is a necessary part of ourselves we are not isolated we are all connected and integrated. Love is a joint undertaking. And love is a mirror through which we come to know ourselves.
See the Leo Quest
We are in the Time of Virgo
The parties over, its time to clean up. The harvest must be brought in. Forethought, caring, and meticulous planning must be brought to the fore now if anything practical is to be achieved. The feeling is of making a contribution which is valued by others here we seek a role where we can feel of value and serve a purpose. Bringing in the harvest means making something useful and practical of past efforts, particularly for the greater good.
To fulfil the virtue of this time we must not waste one kernel of corn, what ever we have achieved or been striving for, this is the time to make sure it does not go to waste. The child of Virgo sees value in everyone and everything; she sees the potential which has to be brought out. This is the real reason behind the Virgo time, it is not to put down but to raise up. Virgo is represented not by an animal but by a human being and a pristine one at that. Locked in Virgo is the true promise of humankind. Harvesting has always been a community effort where we all work together, from the youngest to the oldest, no one is left out, everyone has a job to do a purpose to serve and a role to play. Though our lives are changed with city living and mechanisation the seasonal virtues and lessons are still relevant to each and all no matter where or how we live. What can you do? How can you serve? What is your harvest?
See the Virgo Quest
We are in the Time of Libra
The consequences of Virgo naturally lead us into the Libran´s desire for relating. We can see that the coming together in work and service is one thing but what keeps the ties now the harvest is in.
Now it has to be shared, the glyph for Libra is the scales symbolising not only balance but justice and fairness which bring rules and regulations.
The community must come together now for another reason. To face the future they must stick together in an attitude of sharing and to do this, bonds of kinship and friendship must be made.
But in any family as you know there are going to be conflicts and misunderstandings. The lessons of Libra then are the skills of relating, of learning how to get along with others.
This means of course listening to another´s point of view and seriously considering it, not because we do not have a view of our own but in a way in the hope that the same curtesy will be accorded to our views. If it is not then we have the right to insist for the child of Libra is not a push over the relationships which are formed now are mutual otherwise the human spirit will be crushed and there is no rightness in that.
I am reminded of the buzzword, ´networking´ that periodically gets thrown about. It is a pity not everyone understands the true meaning as demonstrated by the fact that so many ´networking´ schemes fail.
The mutual benefit of relating should never be abused. You scratch my back and I will scratch your back has to be held in the Libran scales
See the Libra Quest
We are in the Time of Scorpio
Now that the dark nights are becoming more apparent there is a turning inwards when we take a very close look at ourselves. In Libra we discovered others, in Scorpio we discover our self. It is contrasts which enable us to discover anything, would we know light if we did not know dark. In getting to know others we became aware of that which is not us and so now the focus is on what makes me, if I am different from you what am I? This search for self can be a fearful experience which the children of Scorpio know only to well but it is vital to our further progress. Over the temple of Delphi was inscribed the command \"man know thy self\". This goes to the heart of the matter of Scorpio for here we must search deep and face our demons if we are ever to bring them up to the light where they will surly perish. When the lights go out on the outer world we are left with the inner world to explore. Not just for the sake of something to do but for the sake of our future development and growth. Traditionally this is the autumn sowing time when we lay down the seeds which need the cold frosts to kick start their germination. So planning for the future can take place now but it is the plans which need the difficult decisions about our own natures our motives and past deeds. Honesty is the key to this time for if you cannot be true to yourself how can you hope to achieve anything of lasting value.
See the Scorpio Quest
We are in the Time of Sagittarius
In times gone by Sagitarius was a necessary social time, the work has been done the nights are long and the days cold, people came together and stayed together longer. The social and family group was bigger and closer than at any time in the year, no one was off hunting or foraging, the home camp was full of people, animals and hopefully fun. But more than just fun and frivolity goes on now, for now people have got the time to sit around together and plan the next seasons, workload, raids or exploits.
Today, we can do the same thing, we can use this time to gather our thoughts our hopes and dreams, from last month in Scorpio and project them into our future. It is a time to make the big decisions the big plans. These are the things which will stave of the mental starvation and it is a good time to learn a new skill or craft but the main focus should be as a follow up from the Scorpionic introspection, the glyph of Sagittarius is the arrow in a bow aimed high.
The usual symbol is the centaur, half man half horse, which symbolises man's conquest and mastery over the basic animal instincts we all share. Sagittarius helps us to do more to aim higher to follow our dream. What now is your dream, your highest ambition, what can you aim for, this is what separates us from the animals, this is why we have evolved so far, are you going to take part in man's natural evolution.
See the Sagittarius Quest
We are in the Time of Capricorn.
The Sun\'s entry into Capricorn marks the Winter Solstice and a new stage begins. This is the time when the ground plan for the next cycle is begun. Having thought ahead in Sagittarius, one now begins the steady plod in Capricorn. Farmers traditionally ploughed their fields and trimmed their hedges at this time of year in preparation for the next season and in readiness to sow new crops.
In most countries it is still the start of a new financial year, a time to put the past, with any associated remorse, behind and to begin again with a new cycle. The great feast of this period is of course Yule, when we celebrate the return of the light, from this day forth days begin to get longer until the Summer Solstice. We tend to think of a new Sun being born and growing in strength. Symbolically in the Christian tradition, Christ, the new light, is born in the dark, in a stable.
Similarly much of the work of Capricorn is done indoors, working on accounts, financial forecasts, buying in raw materials and new equipment etc.. Unlike Sagittarius it is not a time suited to imaginative thinking, particularly after the twelve days of Christmas. Rather it is one of tedious but necessary ground work without which no serious project would ever succeed. Winter solstice or Yule (now Christmas) is a time for family reunion and the following of tradition as a socially stabilising factor. Things are as they are, regardless of what individuals might want, and if we cannot accept this, then we risk being left out in the cold: the approval or disapproval of others, and our responsibility in the fulfilment of what is expected of us dictate this. We\'re all in the same boat, and sink or swim together. Social forms give continuity and resilience to collective life, so we might as well get on with it, for in these, we find protection while the light is low. Capricorn is the soil in which the seed of the individual plant lies dormant, waiting.
This means then that during this period we should welcome the light prepare for a new beginning. The period is ruled by Saturn and many find it confusing that the cold dire Saturn should rule over such a time of celebration. The Roman\'s held a great feast at this time of year called Saturnalia. In our days, for most of us isolated from the season and natural cycles of light and dark, growth and decay, we would do well to remember the that no planet is all bad for without Saturn we would surly not have survived this far, Traditionally weak livestock not expected to survive the winter were slaughtered now so there was a sense of plenty. We would not have the determination to begin again. When we think of the many new years resolutions that are made and broken before the end of this period we are reminded of the true nature of this time, which is to rid ourselves of the old to make way for the new, no matter what the cost it must be done or we will spend the next twelve months repeating old patterns. This is the time to hang on in and make plans to insure it does not get this bad next time.
See the Capricorn Quest
We are in the Time of Aquarius
Though ruled by the same planet as the last solar month, Capricorn, Aquarius has a tinge of boredom with things as they are, and wants to see things differently. There is a spark of promise in the air, for the light is increasing: yet it is too early, and winter is still here.
While our eyes are looking afar, our feet haven't moved. Aquarius seeks to change convention with ideas of a new social contract, of future possibilities. A restlessness grows: Aquarius seeks to encourage everyone to do their own thing, together, for then it can do its own thing too.
A heady time, where collective values can override individual ones, Aquarius is a time for concerted action, aimed toward an ideal goal. But it does have some difficulty accepting the isnesses of life: they ought to be different!
Inevitably whenever one begins any project there are going to be unforeseen difficulties and problems ahead - no matter how good the planning. The time of Aquarius represents the period in any project when new ideas of how to do things come to us. It is the time when necessity demands invention. Usually it is just when a project is floundering that we suddenly get new inspiration and fresh insights. The pressures of necessity and contingency are required to galvanize the deeper levels of creativity within us. Often this will only happen when things are at their darkest, at their lowest ebb.
The time of Aquarius is in the middle of winter, during the cold months of late January and early February. Used wisely this can be the most inventive time of the year and give rise to something quite new that will manifest in the following spring and summer. It is also the time when we are most prone to depression, hence the high suicide rate at this time of year.
Its purpose is for us to take a fresh look at life and seek new and inventive ways of solving whatever problems we have become aware of in the last months inspection.
I find it interesting that these months of Saturn, Capricorn and Aquarius are actually the greatest progenitors of change. If we look at the Tree of Life we find Saturn as Binah, the Great Mother. Necessity (Saturn) is the Mother (Binah) of Invention (Aquarius).
See the Aquarius Quest
We are in the Time of Pisces
Pisces is the last of the winter signs. Physically it can be a time of great stress, particularly when the winter has been a hard one. Each of the so called 'mutable' signs, that is Pisces, Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius represent transition periods between two conditions or seasons, they are times of preparation and adjustment. During Pisces we are preparing for the spring and this can be as stressful as the day before starting a new job, going to a new school or preparing for a first date. The autumn and winter months are, in a sense, private. That is they are more related to our own personal, inner world of thoughts, feelings and intuitions. During the spring and summer months we are drawn out of ourselves to be once more on stage and we become more removed from the unconscious world within that harbours our creativity. Pisces represents a final stock-taking before stepping out again into the hurly-burly.
New possibilities need to await the right time, this is what Pisces says. Social mores and agreements restrict individual movement, and Pisces teaches us to see that there is more at stake than meets the eye. The bottom drops out of what is known and agreed, fixed, and the void gulps our illusions. Deeper preparation is needed: the thaw is here, but spring is not, yet. We must prepare our ground through soul-searching, listening to greater and subtler things, learning patiently to await our time, when the universe will allow and support our endeavours. A selfless atmosphere prevails, in which we are obliged to accept ourselves as little atoms in a great universe. New vision arises, and an understanding of the fundamental dynamics behind life and its living dawns, for Pisces is a sign of power, root-power, hidden power — it is a revelation of the true nature of the mystery of life, if we have the strength to look and see. Calm equanimity, applied timelessness and the quelling of restless urges are what Pisces teaches. Otherwise the alternative is frustration and confusion, helplessness generated through incapacity to see the underlying meaning of things.
If new projects are planned this is the time of fine tuning, if no new projects are planned this can be a time when that little something extra can be added to existing situations which bring new life and new dimensions to our existence, we do however, have to be open for it and keep the focus within for a little while longer otherwise we risk loosing the gift of Pisces. Look within now, what is that flickering spark.
See the Pisces Quest