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Book review of The Modern Text-Book of Astrology by Margaret E Hone.

This book is the go to book for learning Astrology the RIGHT WAY. It was for years the basis of student study of the faculty of astrology. First printed in 1951 don't think old think classic. Hone takes the student from the very beginning through to a precise method of producing a written interpretation of any birth chart. Beginners, intermediates and advanced students will benefit from studying this Astrology Text Book. I say study, it is not a look up cook book it is a complete course in astrology. If you have are a professional astrologer and have read it, read it again, you will be surprised what you forgot, if you are a practising astrologer and have not read it you should have, go get it and study it. If you are a beginner who is ready for some serious study then this is what you should be studying.

The book shows in great detail the mechanics of calculating a birth chart, some thing you may feel you do not need to know in this computer age, but you would be wrong, every astrologer should know how to calculate and draw up a birth chart by hand, it gives you a whole different feel for the chart.

She develops from a Keyword technique which helps you get to basics, though some would say this is a stilted and mechanical way of doing astrology it is in fact a very powerful method, the secret is in using it as a start and not an end. Understanding the basics you will develop much quicker and will be able to apply it to a very fluid interpretation of the whole array of chart factors and life experiences of your clients. When you have studied carefully this text book you can put away you cook books for good. There are more esoteric and advanced books you will need but this should always be the starting point. If you buy one book on astrology make it this one.

Check it out - The Modern Text-Book of Astrology