The Libra Centre.

The Libra Centre is dedicated to:
The Fulfilment of Human Potential, The Advancement of Spiritual Science, Harmony and Unity.

From nothing to everything.

In this article I shall endeavour to portray to you the most difficult of concepts. The sphere on the Tree of Life that is the hardest to comprehend, the hardest to put into words, yet is in some respects the simplest because it is pure essence, it is everything reduced down to the one element. For everything comes from the One and everything returns to the One.

The sphere in question is of course Kether. If you have come to this article first, then I suggest that you read from the beginning and come to this last for that which has gone before has been leading you to this point. Difficult concepts are best arrived at slowly and allowed to gel in the unconscious mind, where an inner knowing will take place.

To put it in its simplest terms then Kether is Love. It is the source as far as we can know it. It is not existence, but it is not non-existence. This is difficult to grasp because the human mind is trained to think in terms of the concrete and tangible. We must learn to accept that there is something outside of what we know of as existence and that this is the source of all existence.

It is Pluto, it is the Ace, it is the draw of the mountain top, it us the translucent white light. It is the One!

The thing that needs to be born in mind though is that Kether is at the same time everything and within everything. When you can master this you are well on your way to a high level of understand of the Universe. How can something be a part of and the whole at the same time? It is because the Universe is replayed an infinite number of times. the whole of the Universe is in its smallest part and the smallest part is the whole of the Universe. This is a bit like an image in a mirror. reflected in a mirror so there are an infinite number of reflection but in this case each reflected image is the real thing and only one thing. This was talked about by William Blake when he said

"To see the world in a grain of sand

And a heaven in a wild flower

Hold infinity in the palm of your hand

And eternity in an hour."

These words go some way to explaining the concept but you will need to contemplate all the posts in this blog and a long time just contemplating nature to arrive at a comprehension of this fundamental truth of the Universe.

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