The Libra Centre.

We are One - a Better You makes a Better World.

Let us help you be a Better You and so create a Better World.


Let's talk Love.

I have previously talked about relationships and love, this is love with a lowercase l. Relationships are based on contractual love, not that there is anything wrong with that. Contractual love binds societies and families together.

I have previously talked about Consciousness and how it is the fundamental substance of the Universe, how everything arises out of this Consciousness and I know that that was a difficult concept to grasp for some people and so if you prefer you can think of it as the Mind of God. That is a little crude but if it helps it will do.

So if Consciousness is the fundamental substance from which everything is composed, then what else is there. If we go back to the crude metaphor of Mind of God we could say okay so what there it is the Universe is here and God created it now what. Well a lot of people belief that God is still active in the Universe in terms of more than just creating stars, planets and puny humans, some people believe that they can have an interaction with God all be it through an intermediary Spirit or religious personage. Now if that be the case, then there has to be a mechanism for that to happen. We have a fundamental substance but now we need a fundamental force. A force that is capable of making things happen a force with the ability to do work. If you believe the Universe has a purpose then how can that purpose be achieved without a force to do the work required to bring that about. That fundamental force in the Universe is Love.

Now what does that mean for you and me? Well if you are a fan of Spinoza and why would you not be a fan of Spinoza, the most hated philosopher in the world. You would assume that this fundamental force is not only available to God and higher beings it is a force that is available to you.

So the question to ask is how can I connect with this fundamental force, how can I use it to make me rich and loved by all? Answer, you cannot and if you can ask a question like that then you have not been listening and are probably in the wrong place, well certainly the wrong mind set. That does not mean that this fundamental force is not available to you it is and probably to certain amount of proof of Spinoza's tenants. The ability to do so is embedded in all us puny humans and it is called empathy. Empathy will put you in touch with this fundamental force, Love and will guide your hand in using it. Realise you cannot use this force for selfish or greedy ends it is imposable to use it for evil or violent actions. What ever you do if you do it out of empathy you will not go wrong. This is why my brother and I named our latest project out of empathy

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