After a 4 week trip to Kenya, which was originally meant to be a holiday I was profoundly changed by what I found there.
I was not interested in the usual tourist stuff of the beach or an animal safari, I just wanted to meet the people and learn about their culture. What happened was a complete culture shock. I found myself visiting a school for slum children, I visited the so called homes of these children and I seen how they were living, if you can call it that. A family home meant a one room mud shack with no amenities what so ever. At the school I was amazed at the work they were doing, they would go out into the slums and assess the families living there, and upon a very detailed assessment they would take action, the result would be a child being fed, clothed and educated, they would also provide food for the rest of the family. Note there was no government help the only help they received was from well wishers making donations and yet somehow they managed to pull off a miracle.
So impressed with the organisation, the professionalism and the empathy that I set up a website which will help people find out about the work they are doing and the ways in which they can help. This could be through a one off donation or through a child sponsorship scheme. There are many children in need of help and you can find out about it at . Should you wish to help note that there are no kickbacks, no directors salary everything I and my bother do is done entirely voluntary, unlike a lot of other sponsorship schemes out there. We are not in it for money or prestige we are in it out of empathy.
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