The Libra Centre.

The Libra Centre is dedicated to:
The Fulfilment of Human Potential, The Advancement of Spiritual Science, Harmony and Unity.

Follow Your Heart

Follow your Heart.

I find myself saying this to most clients but what does it actually mean?

It is basically about following life's prompting in stead of sticking rigidly to a plan, well, your plan that is. Watch for happy accidents, unexpected meetings or changes to your routine. When things unexpectedly change and it turns out that it is a better result, Then you know you are following your Heart.

How can you make it happen?

The idea is not to make it happen, just allow it to happen. Allow yourself to be a follower, you are not completely giving up control of your life, as that would be a bad thing and defeat the object of your own growth and development. What you need to do is recognise that you are in a very real sense sharing your life. You are sharing it with your higher self, your guides, your soul, whatever you want to call it and you are allowing this other to have a voice, an input. Note though that in allowing this to happen you are making a choice and so you are still completely responsible for the outcomes and consequences.

I was going to give examples from my own life but just in time realised that that would be a bad idea. Firstly it would present too much of my personal life and my circumstances to the online world and that could be dangerous and irresponsible. Secondly, and this is an important point, there is no need to shout about it, the other does not require you to acknowledge it to the world, though being grateful would not hurt. It would not be good to go around saying that what you do is not from you but from the other. It would not be good to say it is not my fault my spirit guide told me to do it, and I have heard this too many times.

I suppose it is about being at ease with your life, realise that sometimes when you think things are going wrong it very often works out for the best in the end it just wasn't the way you planned it. Planning is an important point here, try not to be to rigid in your planning. I am not saying you should not be organised and focused on your goals but just remember there maybe a better route or indeed a better goal.

Following your Heart could be a long ranged thing, you could find yourself acquiring a skill or object that suddenly becomes useful and meaningful many years down the line, then your realise that you were being prepared for something you never envisioned, but your Heart did. The more you can recognise the workings of the Heart the more you will accept your Heart's helping hand.

How does this relate to your life's purpose?

What is my life's purpose? Why am I here? What must I learn in this incarnation? I am asked this a lot and these are very good questions, but the short answer to them all is Follow your Heart. If you knew of a life purpose what will happen when you achieve it? What if you spend your entire life doggedly pursuing a purpose and it was the wrong purpose? It is my contention that if you follow your Heart you will easily complete your life's purpose, you will learn what your need to learn and your life will have meaning. Let go and let be is a useful phrase but you must act on the promptings of your Heart, a sort of active passivity.

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