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Man Know Thyself

Man Know Thyself.

The most important rule in spiritual development.

Many great spiritual writers have advocated, even demanded that the aspiring student attend psycho-therapy sessions.

In this time it perhaps should be transpersonal-psycho-therapy where the spiritual dimensions of the client are treated equally with the psychological dimensions.

I would like to go further and suggest that the physical and neurological dimensions be explored as well as, and perhaps prior to therapy. As much can be learnt from a study of neurobiology, endocrinology and physiology. When combined with the behavioural sciences such as sociology and anthropology. We can acquire not only knowledge of the self but the processes which surround the ideas of good and bad, motivation and desire, not forgetting the difficulties arising from perceptions. Perceptions precede actions and therefore wrong perceptions precede wrong actions.

Not, I know as clamorous and exciting as studying psychic phenomena, magical rites and spiritual ascension. But nevertheless if you wish to pursue these and other spiritual subjects you will need to prepare the ground.

Not only because, without this base, it would be akin to studying calculus in primary school and not only that, but it can prove dangerous at many levels of self-destruction. I have seen many cases of this and so assure you that I am talking sense and implore you to listen.

I am not qualified to teach any of the subjects I have mentioned so I will not try, also there are many textbooks easily available for you to pursue the studies at your own pace.

I may though suggest that you start with the way the senses interact with the brain as this may give you the idea that as regards physical reality we are walking through a sea of illusion and false premise.

Of course eastern mystics have told us that physical reality is and illusion but studying a bit of science will demonstrate how that is so.

There is an old riddle which states: “If a tree falls in the forest and there is nobody there, does it make a sound?”

Can you answer that?

The answer is NO, explain the reason and you have begun your journey.

Yes I know I am asking a lot but it will be worth it in the end persistence and determination will get you to your goal. I would leave you with a quotation from ‘The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic’ by Israel Regardie.

Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence.

Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.

Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.

Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.

Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.

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