The Libra Centre.

The Libra Centre is dedicated to:
The Fulfilment of Human Potential, The Advancement of Spiritual Science, Harmony and Unity.

Why does water flow downhill

Today, I was out for a walk and I stop in my favourite place on a bridge over a brook. I tried a new method for me which was to feel with the mind and think with the heart, which sounds a bit strange but as I always say, 'give it a go and then you'll know.' So I tried to observe the scene without thinking just feeling the presence of the trees, the ground, the bridge and the water. Then a though, 'Why does water flow down hill?' Now the mind would not have bothered with this question so it must be a thought of the heart. Now any astro or tarot aficionados out there will know that water is associated with emotions. So one could say why do emotions always flow downhill? That seemed a troubling question. Then I remembered, I know not from where. 'The mighty ocean is nothing but drops that have come together.' Our emotions, happy or sad, angry or peaceful, love or hate, flow downhill to a mighty universal ocean of emotion or the worlds emotional state. So let us send emotional drops into that ocean we can be proud of. Because you are making a difference with every emotion you have, lets make it a positive difference.

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