The Libra Centre.

The Libra Centre is dedicated to:
The Fulfilment of Human Potential, The Advancement of Spiritual Science, Harmony and Unity.

First Encounter with Morrigan.

Working with entities is on the whole a very pleasant experience. Normally with a feeling and sense of love, peace and none-judgemental presence. Sometimes, more often, as you progress, their presence will be accompanied by a glowing light of various colours depending on the entity involved.

The difficulty is when trying to discern the message they are bringing, many people are happy to experience the love and peace they bring, sometimes that is enough. But sometimes there is more to it than that and then the content of their message needs to come from what you already have and how you gel with their own energy signature. I have never heard any speak out loud or send me an email, so we have to rely on the feelings that well up from your subconscious mind, the more experiences that are stored there, the easier for the entity to work with them to send you a clear message.

I have never had a bad experience. Until the entity Morrigan decided she would connect. The image I had in my mind about Morrigan was of the angel of death, the battle field crow who would inspire the warriors to great deeds of courage and valour. So consequently when the contact was made this is what I experienced. A sense of foreboding that something bad was going to happen to someone close to me. Actually nothing bad did happen other than me disturbing a few friends and relatives. What did happen though was that I was forced to examine my self and my feelings about Morrigan and about the issues around the Morrigan myth.

The earliest sources for the Morrigan are glosses in Latin manuscripts and glossaries (collections of glosses). In a 9th century manuscript containing the Vulgate version of the Book of Isaiah, the word Lamia is used to translate the Hebrew Lilith. A gloss explains this as “a monster in female form, that is, a morrigan..

This gave me a great deal to think about as I have been studying the effects of Lilith or Dark Moon in the charts of my clients and myself. So this opened up a lot more information and understanding of Morrigan and she no-longer scares the pants of me. I am now looking forward to more experiences with Morrigan or Lilith.


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